The Creeper
Once Upon A Time, there was a young man named Steve, who had a wonderful life. That is, until he met Mr. Creeper.Now, Mr. Creeper was a... Kind and err... Gentle soul, however, he had a very short fuse (about 3 seconds)
Now, Steve does as any Polite Young Man would do, and says hello to Mr. Creeper. MC:"Hello there sssstranger". So Steve Invites Mr. Creeper over for dinner.

Later that evening, Mr. Creeper arrives for dinner, and he says to Steve "I have a Explosive ssssurprise for you".
Now Steve is a curious man, and he says to Mr. Creeper "Well, what might that be?" and the next thing that happens, blows Steve's mind. (Literally) Mr. Creeper, having such a short fuse, blew up from his excitement. Now Steve couldn't believe his eye's, because there lay all of his items where Mr. Creeper's feet used to be.

As disappointed as Steve was, he still hoped that he could make up with Mr. Creeper one day and hopefully, become friends again.


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    My name is Devon Meyer, and I am 14. I like to help people out when they need it, and I'm not the type of person that would stab you in the back. (although, i have had that happen to me multiple times) Anyways, I post these things in order to help new players. (or just to entertain experienced ones) Hope you like what i've made, and, as always. remember:Watch Out For That Creeper!



    The Beginners Guide To Minecraft
    The Creeper